New Zoom Call dates

Breaking news: our Zoom meetings for you!

wee-money-back” or “wee-money-back” initiative: Following the premiere of our video conferences with a good 120 virtual guests on Saturday, 2 September and Sunday, 3 December, both at 7 p.m., the next video calls are on the agenda. We will provide information about our company, the mission and motivation behind this project and shed light on the background to the “wee bankruptcy” – including the alleged machinations of ex-protagonists from the top management of “wee”, MPM International and COOINX.

Our offer: Zoom call by MRS Project UG on
Tuesday, 5 December 2023,19:00 hrs:

Our offer: Zoom call from MRS Project UG on
Wednesday, 6 December 2023, 19:00:

Our offer: Zoom call from MRS Project UG on
Friday, 8 December 2023, 19:00 (probably in English):

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